this is our blog where we will posts updates about this site or the band or just anything in general



Yo yo! Long time no see? Hope all of you (all two or three of you) are doing okay and not missing us too much. sooo no promises for anything at the moment, but if we can work things out logistically, we will be doing a show around the end of the year!! Feeling hopeful for that and looking forward to it. Other than that, there really is not too much going on. Just laying low and getting some hit songs written. It takes time, but I can assure you that whatever happens will be worth the wait.

Posted By: Elliott


thought it would be a good time for an update. right now there isnt a whole lot going on for long birds. it is a little difficult to be active with this band when our members are across the country. no shows planned at the moment, but hopefully we can get some in this summer.
i do have very cool and good news though!! we finally got the vinyl pressing for the On Speed EP! it looks beautiful!! i got all the pre orders shipped this past week! i have some photos at the bottom of this post. it is a dream come true to press our album to vinyl! AGAIN!!! this one is not popping of as much as our first album (probably due to lack of shows), but im sure well get these all sold eventually lol.
in other words, i have been getting a lot of lyrics written. feeling good about most of them so far. might be a while before there is new music, but the goal is to write bangers that hit even harder than before, so im sure it will be worth the wait!

Posted By: Elliott


happy new year everyone!! last year was a bit of a slow year for us for a few reasons, but we were able to hold it together enough to release our new EP and play 3 shows all around illinois!! thank you for the support this past year! it always helps motivate us to keep doing this thing!
looking forward to this year, the future is still unknown. its kind of difficult to keep the band going now that mina lives in new york. we had talks of playing some shows on the east coast... and the possibility of even writing another album???, but nothing is certain. all i know is that this thing is still going, no matter if it slows down a bit.
long live long birds

Posted By: Elliott


This past weekend we got to play some shows! finally! It was really fun to play after almost a year of not playing a show! Thanks everyone who came to a show!
As of now the future of this band is a mystery. I will post any updates here.

Posted By: Elliott


Yoo ! We have some shows coming up next month!! These will be our first shows in almost a year and were really excited!
11/10 - Urbana, IL @ The Powder Room
11/11 - Elgin, IL @ The Core Cottage
11/12 - Chicago, IL @ The Burlington
I hope you can make it!! We have no idea when there will be a next show!! So show up!

Posted By: Elliott


The "On Speed" EP is out now!! I think people are forgetting about us because it has been over a year since we played a show, but I am just happy these songs are finally released.
I Hope YOU enjoy it!

Posted By: Elliott


Wow everyone, long time no see. It's been over a year since I posted a blog update!! What the heck is wrong with me?? A lot has happened in the last year+ . But let's talk about the most important thing!
Back in November 2022, we recorded an 8 song EP.
It is almost time for those 8 songs to come out!!

Posted By: Elliott


Our tour is over, and overall everything went super super good! we had a lot of fun with all the shows and with sean playing drums, and hanging out with life looks good. bringing the skate punk revival to the people is hard work but its worth it. hopefully we can do this again eventually!
so what is next for long birds??
well we dont know, we need a full time drummer, so we probably wont be playing shows for a bit. mina and i also have a handful of songs that arent finished and song ideas that we want to make. we just dont know our plan for a next release. a single? ep? another full length?? if you (the reader) have any ideas please let us know.
at this time we are also moving out of champaign and will be relocating to our former home of the chicago suburbs.
please say hi to us in our guestbook, we like seeing the messsages!

Posted By: Elliott


Our summer tour has been announced!! the dates are on our home page right now! come see us if you live near where we are playing. we are going to have sean crawford joining us on the drums for this tour. his band, life looks good, will also be joining us for some of the shows! really excited for this!

Posted By: Elliott


SOLD OUT!! RECORDS ARE SOLD OUT!! 100 RECORDS!! GONE!! this is insane! thank you everyone who purchased one! we werent expecting to sell out so quick! originally i said we would never press it again, but now i kind of want to do a 2nd pressing. we shall see.

Posted By: Elliott


Ah, hello my friends. It has been a while since an update. There are some things I would like to share with you all. Right now we have a new shirt design on our bandcamp! AND our other shirts are on sale!! Very very cool right?
We also got our vinyl last month, and are soon getting the jackets. These will be shipping very soon! I am so excited for this! The records are so cool so far.
Now time for some bad news. We are going through a bit of a lineup change, John will be departing the band. We had a great run with him and we loved having him in the band. We might not be playing any shows for a bit while we reboot the band.
We played some really cool and fun shows since I last updated this site. Hopefully we can get back to doing that very soon. I am going to try to update this site a more often, at least in the blog section.
Anyways, thank you for reading, and thank you for your support. Whoever you are, reading this website, you are incredible <3

Posted By: Elliott


Long time no update! Whats up everyone? We've had a lot going on over the last two months so heres some updates! 1. We got the test pressings in for our album and they sounded great! also did a giveaway on our instagram for one of them! We have 4 left now so who knows what will happen with those? 2. We played a really cool show in Carbondale at the Lost Cross House. It was probably the coolest place that we have ever played!! 3. We met Scumbag Skippy in person. It was great lol 4. I added a lyrics page with all the lyrics from IHADIWS!
We had this really cool 5-day tour planned for this month, today would have been the first day but sadly due to all the covid cases we decided to cancel the whole thing. That's okay though, well plan another one this summer.
New youtube video coming soon! We will be covering a song we like. Also going to update this site more and add a new page soon!

Mina and I writing some bangers and we are planning to record an EP in a few months once we have our songs solidified! That is all for now!!

Posted By: Elliott


Dear diary We hit some new milestones this week! We shipped our first CDs to Japan, somebody smashed to one of our songs, and we finally have the fans also like section on Spotify!!! I think we’ve made it big. Tell you more later! Love, mina.

Posted By: Mina


Hey! Long time no see!! We released our album on November 5th and we are sooo happy it is out! I hope everyone is enjoying it so far! It feels great to finally put all this music out since we have been working on it for so long! (some of the songs took years to write :O) Huge thank you to everyone who has bought the album or a shirt from us since it's release! It really means a lot to us that people are supporting what we are doing! We have a few really cool shows coming up in November and December, and hopefully a short tour in January! Check our socials to stay updated with all that! We post the most on Instagram.
Possible Site Updates? : I was thinking of adding a lyrics page, right now the only place to see the lyrics is our bandcamp.
Thanks for listening!! <3

Posted By: Elliott


The first release day of this website is going great! Thanks everyone for signing our guestbook!!! ESPECIALLY YOU SHORTS KID!
Some band and album updates: We just got a huge box of CD's in the mail and they look so cool, and sound even cooler!
We also got an update about the status of the records today - things are ahead of schedule!! We should be getting the test pressings in about a month and I cannot contain my excitement!

Posted By: Elliott


There are still things I plan on updating and some other ideas I had.
-Update the shows page with upcoming shows and upload all old show flyers
-Update the game page?(maybe)
-Add a fan art/meme section so I can share the memes that scumbag skippy sends to us
-More things to click on and more fun pages
-Better mobile formatting?(probably not)

Posted By: Elliott


I am starting to create this website and I have never used HTML or anything before

Posted By: Elliott